Multi-Use Trail Now Open

Update to original post:

Trail Update — Monashee Provincial Park – New Alpine Singletrack

Deep in the Monashee Mountains, south of Revelstoke, BC sits one of the fastest growing alpine singletrack hotspots in North America.

Primarily operating as a ski touring lodge since 2005, Sol has expanded its summer offerings to include alpine singletrack mountain biking. Since 2013 owner Aaron Cooperman and his crew have built 20 kilometres of featured, flowy singletrack.

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Sol Mountain Lodge on Facebook

~Aug. 6
Our first trail in Monashee Provincial Park is open ! Multi use hike or bike to Sol Lake and part way to Caribou Pass. Thanks to everyone who provided input to the permit application process. It’s a fun place to ride bikes @backcountrylodgesofbc @steveshannonphoto pic @rockymountainbicycles @pinkbike #mtbBC@powderhighway @seerevelstoke @bikepirate @raceface604 @goenduro #Monashees @bikemag — with Aaron Cooperman and Rocky Mountain Bicycles.

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